Thursday 15 April 2021

ANZAC Torty the lucky tortoise


So today this is what I made on my Chromebook and there is a little run down of tort the tortoise and this was fun to make because I used  my Chromebook for once on torty 

The 28th maori battalion


So for this week, we did the 28th Maori battalion it took I little bit to do but it was quite fun to do and I learnt a lot about the 28th Maori battalion. And I learnt that the Maori was the second New Zealand force and what they did before they go into a war they do a haka you can find on this blog post 

Tuesday 13 April 2021

kenning poem






Guess what I am talking about leave a comment down below and that's what we had to do today

it was fun making a kenning poem about ______ and that's what I liked to do today for my kenning poem

Thursday 1 April 2021

Solar panels

So today we did how many solar panels does it take to have our class have solar panels it was fun making this and we are also making a real-life model to make solar panels so that's what we did this week for today.
And this is what we did for the 3d model
Made by Jesse, harry,Curtis