Tuesday 14 December 2021


So today this is what I made I went onto a site and it had outlines that you had to fill in with different colors. And this is what you could make with it


Tuesday 7 December 2021

My culture

 My culture is new Zealand European I always speak English

My parents come from New Zealand 

My cousins some come from Australia and some come from Auckland 

My  Great nana is 99 and she has lived in Auckland most of her life

Today I am talking about my family and where they came from and what places they came from but my cousins are from Australia and but most of them are from Auckland.

Monday 6 December 2021

What food would you bring to sea for 3 weeks


So today we had to choose to bring what food to sea for 3 weeks so then we thought to bring all of the food here can maybe last for 3 weeks but that's what I think I would put in a boat to travel around the world. But I did it because to see how long I would last I could have added a little bit more items if we had more time but this is what I would choose to survive. 

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Diwali and Matariki Graph


So today I made I graph about Diwali and Matariki to see how similar they are and also what I know about Matariki and Diwali. I know that diwali is celebrated from defeating an evil spirt named ravana. Matariki is the seven stars or the seven sisters in the sky they all together are called Matariki they are mostly seen around the end of may or the start of june. But yea it's just you have to learn a lot about each and then you can start making blog posts like me

Monday 27 September 2021

Limericks Poem

 There once was a boy named larry

he always loved to be carried 

then he bought some buns 

so now he went to touch the sun

and now he turned very hairy

So today we made poems about limericks and how they work so limericks are something that rhymes into different things. Like the top two lines are going to be A and the other two lines below are going to be B and now there is one line left that's going to be A so all of the A's are going to rhyme and all the B's are going to rhyme.

Friday 24 September 2021

Lesson 3 of Paralympics


So today for Paralympics we had to do lesson 3 and we had to do travel time from tokyo to other place's like London, Auckland and etc so and we also had to do more research on the stoke games.

Lesson 2 Paralympics


So for today's Paralympics, I did lesson 2 and we had to answer different questions because after reading this you have to go through stages of questions so that's what mostly lesson 2 is. 

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Epitaph poem

 Here lies a guy called Frank 

He was very sad so then he drank 

So now he's down in the ground from a car

But now that he is dead he will be able to have a car

So today we learnt what an epitaph is in a form of a poem but on a gravestone. What is an epitaph I will tell you so most of the time if you go to a graveyard you maybe be able to see that there is an epitaph. That's what an epitaph is

Friday 17 September 2021

Lesson 1 of Paralympics


This is lesson 1 for the Paralympics it has info about the Paralympics but this time we had to name 5 facts about Japan.

Paralympics Poster


So today I made a Paralympics poster and it has info about the Paralympics how someone wanted to be in Tokyo 2020 Paralympics and then he was able to get into and he was in long jump swimming and etc. And that was the poster and there

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Paralympics Mascot


So today I made a Mascot for the 2020 Paralympics and I wanted to make a kiwi for a mascot 

Thursday 9 September 2021

Post lockdown back to school

So today I have made this post lockdown back to school and we had to do a blog post about how it feels to be back at school. And how different it feels to be at home doing work while you are in bed or at places that you would not normally be there. That's my post lockdown back to school poster.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Key word hunt


So today we have learned about a story of a 9-year-old boy who wanted to ride the whole of NZ and to raise money for St John.  We read the story and thought about the most important parts of the story and then wrote them in this keyword hunt.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Word of the week


so today we did something called word of the week and we learnt about what obligation means it's like a duty of what you have to do and you have to do it most of the time like being a builder you have a duty to build stuff and if you're a teacher you have to teach kids about stuff.

Thursday 5 August 2021



So today I made my Olympics history and other facts about the Olympics and I learned that Russia is banned from the Olympics and why they are and I learned about how they used to do things in the ancient Greece times how they used to play there were only males allowed into the Olympics that was 776 BC but then when the next Olympics game is on the girls are allowed into play the Olympics.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Word of the week


So this weeks word was commit and this blog post helps people out who don't know what word to use and also this is more of a fun way to be able to do your work and it help me learn new things because every single week there is a new word what we have to do and I have learned a lot about new words every week and this week I learned what commit means

Monday 5 July 2021

5 best Jobs for NZ people who should studying


So today I made the 5 best jobs for NZ people we had to read a website to gain info then we had to make a short blog post about what is the 5 best jobs for an NZ person and it was fun having to make it

Thursday 1 July 2021

Story starter strength of 1000


so today I had to make a story about a person who had super strength and for this person it was all up to her at one point in the story her class at one point allmost was gone if you read the strory it's something what I tried to do I think I did and this is some cool and fun work to do.

Toy Invention


So today what I made was pretty fun to do we made a toy invention and what I made was called the GC1 it's going to be the future of gaming and tv/monitor and what we had to do a day ago we started off with nothing only something we wanted to make so then I made that so now I might make an ad about how to sell stuff if you wanted to for a business because when you are older you might want to start something

Thursday 24 June 2021


octopus writing

Subheading appearance topic sentence - an octopus can change its appearance judging by the color. due to the color environment, it can change its color to match the color of what is it trying to hide.

Subheading diet - It eats different foods depending on the breed of octopus but most octopus eat shrimp clams crabs and snails.

Subheading prey/predators - There prey is sprem whales birds sea otters fish eels 

Subheading habitat -they are found in marin waters and they hide in small holes and reefs

 Quick facts. is an underwater sea creature is called an octopus it is more of a weird type of underwater invertebrate animal and it has invertebrate all in its legs so they have a mind of its own.

Hello my name is Jesse and this is the octopus work what we did today and it was fun finding all the info for the octopus what the eat where they live what there appearance is and there prey 

Thursday 10 June 2021

Word of the week


So this week for word of the week we learnt what resilience means and it something or someone who is tough and that is the quick meaning of it 

Tuesday 8 June 2021

DLO Suffixes


So today we are explaining what suffixes mean and if you look at this DLO you will find out what a suffix
is and there is going to be more things on my blog soon to learn more

Friday 14 May 2021

Word of the week


So this week for word of the week our word was innovation and I learned what this word meant and it was ok to learn about it and I learnt that it means he action or process of innovating. It was fun to find what the word is and to learn about it and there is a new word every week

Thursday 15 April 2021

ANZAC Torty the lucky tortoise


So today this is what I made on my Chromebook and there is a little run down of tort the tortoise and this was fun to make because I used  my Chromebook for once on torty 

The 28th maori battalion


So for this week, we did the 28th Maori battalion it took I little bit to do but it was quite fun to do and I learnt a lot about the 28th Maori battalion. And I learnt that the Maori was the second New Zealand force and what they did before they go into a war they do a haka you can find on this blog post 

Tuesday 13 April 2021

kenning poem






Guess what I am talking about leave a comment down below and that's what we had to do today

it was fun making a kenning poem about ______ and that's what I liked to do today for my kenning poem

Thursday 1 April 2021

Solar panels

So today we did how many solar panels does it take to have our class have solar panels it was fun making this and we are also making a real-life model to make solar panels so that's what we did this week for today.
And this is what we did for the 3d model
Made by Jesse, harry,Curtis

Wednesday 31 March 2021

How does tokelau get its electricity?

So this week we had to do how Tokelau get its electricity for this weeks learning we did because we had to do T shaped literacy it was pretty fun to do and thats all we had to do for the tokelau task

why is exercise


So today we did why is exercise good for you where are vs another class to see I had fun making this and it was a pretty cool work we had to do

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Energy word map


So today we learned about word map energy I did nuclear because nuclear stuff is pretty cool unless it's used for bad things like BOMBS but it's cool to learn how much stuff you can learn 

T-shaped literacy


so this week we did T-shaped literacy we had to do facts and other ways how to save energy like no technology day that would save a lot of energy. It would make a bit of a difference in how much energy we use but yea that's why I think that why we should use less energy  

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Pool of knowledge


this is what we did today we made a pool of knowledge about the energy we did it because we had to learn about energy. It was fun to know about stuff about the energy I never knew about some of this but it was fun. We did it because we had to make a pool of knowledge about the energy 

Friday 26 February 2021

Math quiz


this is the quiz we made today it is a fun little quiz that I and dean made we had a lot of fun making it and we made it because we could make a quiz so that's why we did it

summer poem

 summer leaps in with its warm heat

with the warm waters 

and everyone's happy playing on the beach having fun

all the kids playing in the sea and making sandcastles and BBQs


poem this is my cat

 this is my cat

my cat is black

shes nice and soft

shes young and springy 

this is my cat

she is young but gold

shes nice and calming 

this is my cat 

shes nice and playfull

shes very cudly 

Monday 15 February 2021

WALT Use descriptive language

I went to Nelson. It felt like I was in a desert it was so hot. An hour later I saw the sea it was like sparkling water It looked like it. Then I felt a ray of a sunbeam on my face and body. I had some fish and chips that tasted so nice. The blue sparkling waters the waves crashing down on the beach when I walked back the birds started chirping and I went back to the cabin after a long day 

Thursday 4 February 2021

kawa of care


today we were learning about the kawa of care. Every year we learn about this and this year I did always do the right thing at the right time and what it looks like and what it feels like. And never share your password with your friend or other people because they could do bad things on your Chromebook. And that why you never share your password and never drink or eat by your Chromebook And always hug your Chromebook because if you drop it might not end well for that and always close your.Chromebook lid so if you drop it does not break and it was sort of easy to do it was fun to make a post have not done one in a long time and the kawa of care is where you look after your Chromebook and keep it safe. The End